Thursday, July 17, 2008
[Mood] Face it
You know that everything, and every fair will become bubbles, disappearing in the air.
But you still cannot make up your mind to leave.
It's quite a hard decision to give all the relationship up.
But maybe one day you should do it because that from the beginning to the end, there're only you thinking in this way.
They are just kind to you, not meaning anything.
How I wish that you have the same mind as me?
How I wish that you have the same thoughts and the same affection as me?
From my observation, you don't know anything, and you don't know my really feeling.
I don't know.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Being the substitute Contact Person
To save time, my dear Dad volunteered to drive me to the airport, and he’s also willing to drive us back to our campus. Checked out on the website, the plane will arrive at 11:45 in the morning. Just on the road to airport, I received Hebe’s phone. She has already arrived, finding that the plane has delayed about one hour…So we rushed to my dorm, wanting to take advantage of this time packing my belongings. After we rushed to the airport, I found on the electronic board showing the plane has arrived at 12:58. But it’s already one-half! How come Hebe hasn’t recognize them?! She’s quite nervous that she even went to the information desk to ask. Finally, a tall man with brown hair and beautiful blue eyes recognize our poster, with one name”Christopher” on it. (As a matter of fact, it takes me two days to remember his name, and now I’m still not sure whether the spelling is correct or not…) Both of them are quite tall that the male is taller than me by about one and half head, and the female is by about one head… On the way back to school, I found that Hebe masters English so well that I’m a little bit embarrassed to speak English in front of her and the English native speakers. Arriving school, we first went to the hotel to check in, then I rushed back to my room. There was a time limit that I should finished cleaning before ten o’clock. With of the help of my father, I eventually did it at around 5 o’clock. Due to my fear of taking care of them alone, I asked Kimo, or Ryan, and Dickson, or Medicine (XD) to go with me. We went to the neighborhood of Chang Gung Hospital to have a meal. Now we were six people, so we deemed it as welcome party, bringing them to taste the teppanyaki (鐵板燒). However, it’s really a challenge to introduce this kind of food and cook to westerns because that we didn’t know the English of it. We just said that it is a way of cooking which is fried on an iron plain. Finally, they knew what was teppanyaki in the restaurant. I found that Christopher was a left-handed person! Another finding is that I heard from Sallad (I don’t know how to spell it…) that Finnish eat rice, but they use fork to eat it! How interesting it is! After meal, we introduced ourselves to each other during I’m eating ice cream.XDD Now I finally remember their name, and figured out that Christopher is going to the fourth grade as well as Sallad going to the second grade. Sallad majors in dentistry, and she is just going with Christopher for travel. Both of them like Thai food, so they will stay in Taiwan for about three weeks, and then transferring to Thailand to have a one-week trip. Sounds great! How I wish I can have a trip with my friends, not restrict to girlfriend XD Maybe there will be a chance in the future, after we have saved enough money and grow up(?!).
We went to buy some articles for daily use, and go back, ended today’s schedule with full stomach:)
Today, because that there are some problems about the official document. So they cannot settle into their room in dormitory yet, and I have to recheck in the hotel for them. I went to the lab, where the teaching assistant is quite humorous, to find Christopher and explain to him that he cannot move in today. I feel so sorry about it, but he is quite friendly and nice that he thanks me a lot!
It’s a good experience to take care of an exchanger friendly like him, I cannot wait to take him to nice places and introduce Taipei for him:) I hope that I can have a lot of extra time of medical camp, and bring him to have fun, making good friends with them. Then next time when I’m going to Finland, I can require him to be my guide. XD Hahaha~
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Busy summer
Besides being contact person, I have joined the medical camp of CGU from 4th to 9th, July, and the fore-camp from 28th, June to 3rd, July, which accounts for my first two weeks of summer vacation. Taking a rest about ten days, and I will join Lokah-da, which is a team to visit the families in mountains. These activities will fill all my July life. When it comes to August, I have to hold the welcome party of M104 juniors in Northern, Middle and Southern Taiwan as well as take care of the exchangers. Moreover, there will be two meetings about S.C.G.M.D, one for the constant meeting and one for the countrywide forum which will be held in my school in the third weekend of next semester. Before these appointment, I have to finish the files that will be sent to M104, and a white paper of being the Minister of Secretary. The last week of summer vacation is the time when the Tennis club has the summer training…How come can I survive this summer……
Notwithstanding my having so many activities than before, I will surely have a full, or even overwhelmed summer vacation. I hope that I can create a lot of memories during this freshman to sophomore summer:)
Oh I forgot! I want to visit Kaohsiung or Taichung if I can!! I can arrange the time of welcome party and plan a Western Taiwan trip in the middle of August! That will be a great idea! Come on! That’s plan it!
[Mood] Why not me
I'm not in your group, still.
No matter how I wish, I can't, and that's the reality.
Start thinking giving up, will you?
So sad.
There’s a sense of lost.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
The last stage of this semester
Two weeks later, we will have a full week with exams from Monday to Thursday. Those tests are the most heavy subjects this semester. I hope that I can conquer them:)
Cheer up!! Summer vacation is waiting for me!
Monday, June 9, 2008
[Mood] Thank you, but sorry
I should thank you for your thinking highly of me.
Though I'm not fortunate enough to accept your kindness, it would be one of the most unforgettable event, or most regretful event in my college life.
I cannot blame on anyone, all of the results are caused by me.
However, after a weekend of repeated thinking, asking, and hesitating, I finally come up with a conclusion.
I cannot but make up my mind to refuse that distinct opportunity.
Thank you, but sorry.
I'm so sorry for it that even till now I still feel sorrowful.
Wish that I have made the right decision.
Thank you, but sorry.
Believe what you choose, and believe your feeling:)
Make it fantastic, and make it innovative.
That's the only way to compensate for it, for them, and most important, for you.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
[Mood] Dilemma with sorts of sorrow
There're two opportunities for me to grasp, however due to the time limit, I can only get one of them, and give one up. That let me so sorrowful. I don't want to let go both of them, but I cannot even dawn on my true thinking.
I betray your trust and your respect, I'm too sorry to compensate for it.
May be it is just my selfishness that makes me don't want to leave.
I don't want to give up, but do I really like it?
I don't know. I don't now the most basic thing, whether I like it or not.
After discussing with Tim, I think that I've found my way.
Now I realize that the proverb is indeed true in practice, "You can't have your cake and eat it too."
You win some; you lose some. That is life.
Though Now I know what I want, I still feel reluctant to give up...
Friday, June 6, 2008
[Classwork] Interview
In kindergarten, about 6 years old.(Joseph)
2. What kind of inconvenience that glasses bring to your life?
When eating noodles, there's a lot of steam on the glasses. (Bill)
3. Do you know what causes myopia?
Yes, watching too much TV, and playing too much computer.(Frank)
4. Do you know how to prevent myopia?
Take a rest more.(Stephen)
5. What do you do to improve your eye health?
Sufficient rest and balanced diet.(Judy)
6. If you are near-sighted, will you try eye surgery? Why or why not?
I will, because that wearing glasses is quite inconvenient. (Angel)
7. When you have your children in the future, what would you do to improve your children’s eye health?
Eating carrots,and having sufficient vitamin ACE. (Sally)
Thursday, May 22, 2008
An End, and a start
By the way, after finishing those reports, I had actually took a rest from last Thursday till now. Due to no exams and no reports, I didn’t have to stay up late doing what I don’t want to do. So I just had a relatively healthy life. That meant…I could go to bed at 1:30!! (Don’t think that it’s too late. The time when I went to bed, the rest of my room hadn’t take a shower yet!! Two of my classmates were even outside!!) However, although I become more relaxed in curricular activity, I’m now busier than before during the days because that I had become the Minister of Secretary of Student Council of the next semester. I have to help my senior and our group to success the election. That means that we should get at least 300 votes from all of the voters. Actually, I think that I’m one of the host of this election= = I spent time everyday this week to persuade the seniors into voting for us. Now I know that being the Minister of Secretary is not that easy= = I hope that I can be qualified to it :)
The other thing that makes me a little bit busy is the night of music. This is an activity held by the department of Medicine. In fact, I didn’t join this activity before this Tuesday. To say it more accurately, I didn’t know that I AM participated in it. The manager of the night of music, who is one of my best friend, had just told me that I’m in charge of the light during our chatting…Of course, I’m so shock that I’m involved in it because that I have sign up my name to attend the movie appreciation club. Finally, I cancelled my entering of the club. I think that it would be better to discuss things with that person no wonder how deep your relationship is. It shows your respect to him. Or it would be in a mess if he cannot do what you want him to do…(But actually…I don’t that care about it.XDD)
That’s all about my life recently. Wish us a sunny night tomorrow!!And wish me to do well about the secretary:)
Finished at 2:24A.M.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
I love free-writing
After five times of changing seat, we finally got to make a conclusion of an essay. We use the rest time sharing the funny or somewhat touching essays with others. When I listened to an article which was quite touching, I cannot but feel proud of my participation. When I listened to an article which was quite weird because of strange composition, I knew the importance of coherence. I think that it's quite a meaningful activity which makes English learning more interesting. And it's also efficient that we can remember the funny essay and remind myself that don't write like that. I hope that we can do more activities like this, and the class will be educational as well as entertaining:)
English composition become more and more interesting! I can't wait to be in the next class.XD
Friday, May 16, 2008
[Classwork] Free writing...composed by 5 classmates from no.76~100
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Jokes made from my student
1.There are twelve "mouths" in a year.XDDDD
Jay: Can I take a picture of you?
Linda: Sure
Jay: Say "____"
The correct answer is (D),
but my dear student chose (C)...XDD
I said that how strange it is if you say "MONEY!" when taking a picture.
Then he tried to use "breaaaaad", "cakkkkkkkkke", and "moneyyyyyyyyy" to pretend it XDDD
This problem made me laugh beyond control XDDD
Joe: Thanks for helping me.
Jay: Sure. It's just a piece of ____.
The correct answer is, no doubt about it, B. XDD
What's amazing me, my cute student must be in our class now.
He unbelievably chose"PORK"XDDD
Maybe next time when we're taking a photograph, we can say "PORK" XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Saturday, May 10, 2008
[Mood] Forget it
Forget those damn things and damn missings.
I don't want to consider such piles of relationships and affairs.
They make me headache and want to shout loudly.
So, put all of them away and just do what I want to do and approach who are kind to me.
It is not worthwhile paying so many attention to him but without any caring responses.
Let them disappear from my life if they don't want to participate in my living and heart.
I'm tired. Tired of caring for you with your cold attitude.
Maybe it's not you cold, but it is me too enthusiastic.
I just want to say that I don't want to keep this way of getting along.
If you do, then try to give me some feelings of your willing.
Or, that's the end.
Whatever, thanks for your emergence to my life, and I'm glad that we once had a chance to cooperate with each other. I indeed hope that this is not the last sentence spoken out from my heart to you.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
[Mood] There truly are some differences
Though I tried hard to persuade myself that there would be nothing changing, though you tried to convince me that you are the one who you were, I indeed know that there must be some differences.
It's inevitable, but it's so usual that no one will complain it, since that it would be so weird if paying no attention on it.
So, let it be.
Friends are friends, and then?
He(She) didn't do anything wrong, it is you that confuse everyone and make things go wild.
Stop pushing yourself into that dark hole.
Face it, and accept it. After all, something does change.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
The Night Before Nobel Presentation
It took us more than two weeks to correct our PPT to satisfy the TA’s requirement. All in all, she finally said that we’re OK last Sunday, but telling us to practice lecturing or we can’t frequently show all our works to the audience. So we took advantages of these two days to practice, practice and practice. After more than ten times of practicing, most of us can memorize all the 21 slices of PPT and give a complete lecture of this topic by only one person. That’s quite amazing!
Tonight is the last night we had a discussing group, it was quite weird because that my emotion alternated between excited and sorrowful. I can’t wait to show all our efforts in class, but after that, all things come to the end. It made me a little bit sad…
Whatever, what should we do now is having a good sleep, and doing our best to make a perfect presentation. Nobel group 5, Go Go Go!!!
New words I’ve learned from this time:
TA: teaching assistant (n.)
Monday, April 21, 2008
Grab the opportunity. Interview
However, the minister of M.S.A, Zen msn me on Sunday night, saying that there’s one vacancy so that I can have a try in the interview. Though I didn’t want to join at all now, but Zen just persuaded me to take it just as mock exam…(In fact, I thought that I could not refuse it because that I have just sent an email to him last Friday…) So I just started preparing my information just right the time. I stayed up late till about 3 or 4 o’clock that night…= =which makes me so tired next day Orz
Tuesday afternoon, during the military training class I kept memorizing my Biology knowledge, such as the structure of ATP, and so on. I thought that though I don’t have sufficient time to brush through it twice, I have tried my best to prepare for this midterm. I studied harder than what I did last semester, even doing more exercises on the Internet. It would be destiny if I didn’t get more points than before. After class dismissed, I grabbed a bread and got ready to enter the room for participants.
Everyone should arrived ten minutes before the English interview to draw out the topic of impromptu speech. I got “talking about my favorite sport,” that not quite a difficult topic. But because it has been such a long time since I did an impromptu speech last time, thoughts in my brain are just in a mess. I was so nervous before I got to enter the meeting room. However, the time when I entered it, I got relaxed because that the two teachers who gonna listen to me was quite friendly. Eventually I had finished my speech, notwithstanding it being not so frequent.
But during the Chinese interviewing, the teachers asked a lot of difficult questions which I cannot correctly answer it. But my chemistry said that I had did well. It really consoled me:)
Two days later, I had got the result of the interview: I failed to be one of the present. I had checked the list, and finding that most of the presents are more senior than we freshmen by more than three years. So it’s OK and I’m pleasant because that I have tried my best, and I’m satisfied with my expression. Though I didn’t get the ticket to join the meeting, I think that the most precious thing is that I have stepped out to try it. It’s quite an improvement to me:)
Grab the opportunity, and I won’t be regretful of no trying it :)
New words I’ve learned from this time:
Mock exam (n.)
military training class (n.)
draw out (v.)
impromptu speech (n.)
console (v.)
Saturday, April 19, 2008
What a tiring week
We’re going to have a presentation in five days, next Tuesday. Bless me:) I’m confident that we, group 5 of class B, will make a good job!!
New words I’ve learned from this time:
Knotty (adj.)
Proper noun (n.)
Monday, April 14, 2008
The situation has been a bit lighter since I had given up the chance to apply the international meeting. Though it's a pity that I cannot go to Japan to have a look this year, I can join Lokka da or just APRM in Taipei. After all, I don't have any more energy to deal with another thing at this time...
Time to pay attention to my Brooker! Nobels are waiting for me...
By Pei, 4:30A.M. April 14th, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Assignment for References - Avian Flu
Avian influenza website. (2007). Retrieved March 28, 2008 from
CBC news website. (2008). Retrieved March 28, 2008 from
Center for communication programs website. (2005). Retrieved March 28, 2008 from
Centers for disease control and prevention website. (2005). Retrieved March 28, 2008 from
Centre for health protection website. (2006). Retrieved March 28, 2008 from
CIDRAP website. (2008). Retrieved March 28, 2008 from
Health protection agency website. (2003). Retrieved March 28, 2008 from
Nature website. (2008). Retrieved March 28, 2008 from
PandemicFlu website. (2008). Retrieved March 28, 2008 from
World health organization website. (2008). Retrieved March 28, 2008 from
A Description of an Ad

This AD of the perfume can rapidly catch the readers’ eyes because that it is tidy, modern, and clear as well as it contains a sense of simpleness but mystery. Most part of the AD is designed not in plenty of colors but only two, black and white. The simpleness of the background would help readers to pay their whole attention to the main role. Also, black gives readers an unknown and endless feeling, which just matches the model in the middle of the picture. The model stared at the readers and there’s a strong expression that rush into their minds, just like saying,” The perfume makes a woman woman.” There’re no any clothes but a hat on her, showing that one would be so charming if she wears this perfume instead of luxury dressing. Furthermore, the modernity of it definitely conveys the message that CHANEL perfume is the most fashionable, prevailing one. Besides, what’s worth-noticed is that this picture is quite tidy. No unnecessary words, no any slogans, with just one CHANEL printed on the upper left, we can see clearly what brand this attractive perfume is. In sum, the marketers effectively promote their products to the consumers with this simple but attractive design.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
To Post Or Not To Post
It's a pity that I haven't realized my wish yet. That means that I haven't making my efforts practicing my English. Last Friday, I thought that it was time to start my plan, so telling to myself that I should read through 2 pages of my vocabulary book each day...from this week. However, from Sunday night to now, it is now the third day(Now it is 1:20 at maybe I should call it the fourth day...) but I haven't read even one word...What am I doing= =" I cannot deny that I am being busier and busier this semester, but it's not an escuse to delay what I should do everyday. Maybe I should make some reflection about my time using and time dividing...Anyway, after the midterm of chemistry analysis has finished, I should rapidly start my plan. Bless me and remind me:)
Friday, March 7, 2008
Self-Introduction Version one
Besides science, I'm also interested in teaching and sight-seeing. As a result, I have a dream to retire soon after I save enough money to support my life. It would be wonderful to own a house in the community far away from the bustle and hustle of the city. I can go to the school to teach the students who don’t have sufficient resources of education in the morning. I can also see the sun-set or the meteorites. In my opinion, that is the real life.
There are four members in my family, my parents , my younger sister and I. My sister is one year junior to me. She’s so busy and popular at school that I can hardly see her on weekends. My other is a housewife, but she spends lots of time volunteering to be a helper in some associations. We always go bicycle-riding on weekends, taking advantage of this time to have a chat about the daily life. That’s my family.
This is my self-introduction.
A New Start
Though it is borned for this reason, I hope that it won't just exist during this semester.
It's an opportunity to practice, to improve my English.
I demand myself to write at least one article every week.
So...We will see :)