Monday, June 9, 2008

[Mood] Thank you, but sorry

I should thank you for your thinking highly of me.

Though I'm not fortunate enough to accept your kindness, it would be one of the most unforgettable event, or most regretful event in my college life.

I cannot blame on anyone, all of the results are caused by me.

However, after a weekend of repeated thinking, asking, and hesitating, I finally come up with a conclusion.

I cannot but make up my mind to refuse that distinct opportunity.

Thank you, but sorry.

I'm so sorry for it that even till now I still feel sorrowful.

Wish that I have made the right decision.

Thank you, but sorry.

Believe what you choose, and believe your feeling:)

Make it fantastic, and make it innovative.

That's the only way to compensate for it, for them, and most important, for you.

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